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Soaring Unemployment

Unemployment is surging, having reached 27.9% in June, as against 24.6% in June 2012 according to the Hellenic Statistics Authority (ELSTAT). Unemployment for the young (up to 24 years of age) has broken all records reaching 58.8%, while for the age group 25-34 it stands at 37.4%.
The areas hardest hit by unemployment are Epirus, Macedonia, Thrace, and Attica.
The number of employed person during June 2013 stood at a little over 3.6 million, while the unemployed came to 1.2 million. The economically inactive population was 3.3 million, during this time.
However, the rate at which jobs were lost fell slightly year on year in June registering 129,000, a decrease of 3.4%.
Unemploed persons registered with state employment bureau OAED, a portion of those accounted for by ELSTAT, surpassed the 1 million mark, after the agency recently released latest figures, after much delay.

Illicit Antiquities Arrest Yields Precious Find

A 30-year old man has been arrested in Istiaia, Evia, after police found a host of illicitly acquired antiquities in his possession. Authorities were responding to information concerning unlicensed digging.
The man was found in possession of a marble grave marker (70cm x 55cm) showing two women, one seated on a throne and one standing facing her, dating to the early Hellenistic period, around the 3rd century BC. The stele bearing the inscription "NIKARETE STRATOKLEOUS" is of especial archaeological value.
The 30-year old also had twenty silver coins, 12 of which from the period of the 1st to the 4th century BC, four from the Roman period (1st - 5th centuries AD) and four of indeterminate dating.
The suspect has been remanded into the custody of the Halkida misdemeanor prosecution.

SYRIZA-ND Neck to Neck in Polls

The recent "Barometer" poll by Public Issue pollsters for SKAI television shows SYRIZA leading by one percentage point over New Democracy (ND). More specifically, as concerns voter intentions SYRIZA is shown with 29% (as against 27.5% in July), while ND with 28% (28.5% in July).

Golden Dawn stands third with 13% (11%), PASOK fourth with 7% (8%) and the Communist Party (KKE) fifth with 6.5% (7%). Independent Greeks follow with 5.5% (7%), and Democratic Left (DIMAR) with 2.5% (3%). the category "another party" garnered 8.5% (8%).

As concerns expectations for final results ND is ahead with 46% (53% in July) followed by SYRIZA with 40% (34%).
In the question "Who do you consider more suitable for prime minister, Samaras or Tsipras," 35% chose Samaras (as against 41% in July) and 31% chose Tsipras (30%). None of the two was the answer chosen by 32% of respondents (27%)
Greeks showed an increasing euro-skepticism, with 43% answering that they had a positive view towards the EU/euro as against 52% last year this time, while 55% were negative (44% last year). As concerns the common currency, specifically, 51% were positive (67% last year) and 47% were negative (31% Sep. 2012).
The poll covered all of Greece and took place between 5 – 10 September.

Samaras Calls Abe

Greek PM Antonis Samaras held a telephone conversation with his Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe, at noon today, Athens time.
Mr. Samaras congratulated Mr. Abe on Tokyo being given the task of hosting the 2020 Olympic Games. The two prime ministers agreed to collaborate so that Japan can make use of Greek Olympic Games know-how. The Greek PM invited Mr. Abe to visit Greece within 2014.

The two leaders also agreed to a fruitful cooperation within the framework of the free trade agreements between Japan and the EU, given that Greece will undertake the EU presidency for the first half of 2014.