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Famous Greek Sports Journalist dies at 65

Translation By Lisa Darilis

The thrilling voice which echoed some of the most exciting moments of Greek basketball has been silenced forever. Filipos Sirigos, famous Greek journalist, has passed away at age 65.

23 year old shot in Pagrati Neighborhood of Athens

Translation By Lisa Darilis

A 23-year-old night club employee is in critical condition at the Intensive Care Unit of Gennimata Hospital in the Pagrati neighborhood of Athens, Greece, due to a bullet wound he incurred outside the club, located on Ymittou Boulevard, by a group of young men engaged in an argument amongst eachother.

Investigation of Golden Dawn Party’s Financial Supporters

Translation By Lisa Darilis

The Financial and Economic Crime Unit of Athens, Greece (S.D.O.E.) is trying to uncover the obscure financial funders of the Golden Dawn Party. According to the Sunday edition of the Kathimerini Newspaper there was a groundbreaking conference on the matter at one of the suspect's office.