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Greek Americans rally against cannabis suprestore in By Ridge NY

Featured Greek Americans rally against  cannabis suprestore in By Ridge NY

"Bay Ridge says no", "Eight thousand students say no", "No to cannabis shops in our neighborhoods" were the main slogans of the protest organized on the morning of Monday, June 24, 2024, in front of the former "Pilo Arts" to send a resounding message to the Office of Cannabis Management to the mayor and governor of New York.

"Pilo Arts" was housed on the ground floors of three buildings (84-12, 84-14 and 84-16) on 3rd Avenue in Brooklyn's mecca of Hellenism, as Bay Ridge used to be called. Its owners Elena Solitario and Paul Joseph Pastore decided to rent the space to a cannabis company that plans to build a superstore.

Cannabis shops are legal in New York state and are popping up like mushrooms

Greek Americans living in the area took the issue to the Community Council and at their recent hearing managed to convince councilors to vote against the establishment of the store in Bay Ridge.

Meanwhile, eight thousand students attending the public and private schools of Bay Ridge, including the "Dimitrios and Georgia Kaloidi" Day School, signed a memorandum through which they request the authorities to revoke the operating license of the store in question.

Greek American federal congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis, Greek American Bay Ridge and Staten Island state assemblyman Michalis Tannousis and Coney Island state assemblyman Alec Brook-Krasney attended and spoke at the protest.

All three politicians are elected with the Republican Party and explained that the bill to legalize cannabis for private use and create cannabis shops was introduced by the Democratic representatives and also voted for by Greek American state senator of Brooklyn Andrew Gounardis.

The speakers considered the creation of similar shops near schools and churches unacceptable and promised to introduce a bill that would include clauses to protect the quality of life of residents. Organizers asked attendees to message Mayor Eric Adams, Gov. Kathy Hokul, city councilors, congressmen and senators, as well as the state Office of Cannabis Management to overturn their plans. .