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Tsipras in Gothenburg for EU meeting

Greek PM Alexis Tsipras took part in Friday’s (17 November 2017) Social Summit in Gothenburg, which focused on promoting fair jobs and growth. The event was hosted by President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and Sweden’s Prime Minister Stefan Löfven. Tsipras' presence away fromGreece during a period of national mourning caused a stiramong media and citizens.

  • Published in Greece

Skopje to get rid of unhistorical kitsch landmarks

The monuments of “Alexander the Great”, “Mother Teresa” and “Andon Janev Koseto” will soon be removed from Skopje’s central square. The government has gathered a group of experts who are reviewing the monuments built as part of the “Skopje 2014” project.

  • Published in Greece
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